Matt Cartwright


Last updated July 17th, 2024 at 4:31pm GMT.


PA-08 2024 Election Dates
AB Mail Start 9/16/2024
AB Request Deadline 10/29/2024
EV Start 9/16/2024
EV End 10/29/2024
AB Deadline 11/5/2024

Voters in PA-08 will learn in August that Rob Bresnahan is a Luzerne County native who, went to the University of Scranton, and runs a successful business here. He’s running for Congress because Northeastern Pennsylvania is his home and he’ll do anything to fight for the community that he loves. He helped revitalize downtown Pittston, invests in his community, and will protect union jobs and social security.

Voters need to hear that the Democratic party as we knew it has gone extreme, and that Matt Cartwright has followed them to the far left instead of delivering and fighting for our community; it’s time to send him home.

Photos of Matt Cartwright

B-roll of Matt Cartwright


Cartwright Shoulder to Shoulder with Biden


Cartwright - I endorsed Joe Biden before he finished the sentence


Cartwright Unabashed Progressive


"Ay Caramba"


"Doing jobs nobody else wants to do"


Biden- I am here because of Matt Cartwright


Biden - Matt gets it


Cartwright: Defund Police

Cartwright says "Absolutely Yes" to defunding the police


Cartwright: Trucking Law is self-serving (news report)

Congressman Backs Plan to Increase Insurance Truckers Must Carry


Cartwright: Health insurance “whether people are legal or illegal”




Cartwright: B-Roll

Cartwright's campaign b-roll


Cartwright Part of Pelosi Leadership


Cartwright-Biden party


B-roll of Rob Bresnahan can be found here

Born in Kingston, raised in Wyoming Borough and Hughestown, Rob Bresnahan joined his grandfather Walt Kuharcik’s union shop, Kuharchik Construction, as CFO making it a third-generation electrical contracting company.

After graduation, Rob took over as CEO of the company as his grandparents retired from the business. He helped open new territory for the company and secure financing to hire even more skilled tradesmen and women, ultimately growing the operation to support more than 150 families across Pennsylvania.

Rob Bresnahan founded RPB Ventures to invest back into the communities that raised him. Rehabilitating historic buildings in Downtown Pittston, breathing life back into downtown and providing innovative spaces for other local entrepreneurs to chase their dreams.

Rob is a fifth generation Northeastern Pennsylvanian, accomplished businessman, college athlete, former Chairman of the Joint Apprentice Training Committee and Trustee for the Health Wellness and Annuity for IBEW 163, and community philanthropist.

Clips of Rob Bresnahan’s work in the community can be found below:

Sending a Signal in Carbondale

Bresnahan to chair Bowl For Kids’ Sake

Bowl for Kids’ sake raises more than $100k

Robert Bresnahan installed as president of Rotary Club of Wyoming

Exeter construction company donating masks and respirators to Luzerne County

Construction company donates coronavirus protection to Luzerne County

Construction Firms Respond to Mask Donation Need

Local construction firm donates masks to fight coronavirus

Exeter firm donates over 1,000 masks

Pa.-Based Kuharchik Construction Donates N95 Masks

CEO leads construction business at a young age

Bresnahan invests in Pittston

Pittston Memorial Library officials kick off 2022 Sustainability Campaign

Work on The Landmark continues

My Corner, Your Corner: Bresnahan investing in Pittston

Luzerne County construction company heading to path of hurricane

Landmark, Burns building projects progress

Pittston sees a surge in new business

Commerce Secretary Raimondo Visits Pittston

Company from Luzerne County aiding with I-95 collapse

I-95 collapse in Northeast Philadelphia prompts urgent reconstruction efforts

Pocono Raceway Assists in I-95 Construction

Kuharchik Construction makes donation to Wyoming Borough Police Department