Kirsten Engel


Last updated July 25th, 2024 at 9:14pm GMT.


Juan Ciscomani will fight to secure our border to fix the crisis happening right here in Arizona, all while Kirsten Engel denied there is even an immigration crisis. Juan Ciscomani will also work to relieve Arizonians of the high prices they are facing, all while Kirsten Engel backs Biden’s massive spending plans which have led to the high cost of living.


Absentee/Early Vote:

  • Voter Registration Deadline: October 7th​
  • AB/Early Vote Window Opens: October 9th – November 1st​
  • Ballots Drop: October 9th​
  • AB Applications deadline: October 25th​
  • Ballots Due By: Received by 7pm on Election Day​

Engel B-Roll

Inflation Coverage

“‘We’re never going to get rid of the car in the driveway, but we can make it a pain to drive,’ said Kirsten Engel, a University of Arizona law professor.” (Andrea Kelly, “Panel Idea: Raise Tax On Gasoline, Index It,”, 4/21/09)

Video: Engel Supports Defunding The Police

Video: Engel Says She’d Support A ‘Reallocation’ Of Funding Away From Police


Engel B-Roll


Engel: Arizona does not have an immigration crisis


Engel: "Risky to Enact a Permanent Tax Cut"


Engel: Printing money did not cause inflation


Engel: Issues in AZ-06 have not been adequately addressed



Current Cycle


Border Patrol

Ciscomani for Congress

Fighting Every Day

Ciscomani for Congress

Doesn't Help Me

Advancing Arizona

Fund Freedom

Vote Vets Action Fund

Big Donors

Advancing Arizona

Tax Scam

Advancing Arizona

My Home

Advancing Arizona

Can Use A Break

Advancing Arizona

Against Clean Energy


Previous Cycle

Two Candidates

Ciscomani for Congress

Very Risky


Campaign B-Roll

As a father of six kids, Juan Ciscomani says the reckless spending of the Biden Administration is crushing families in Arizona, with high gas prices, high energy costs, and high grocery bills. He is running to restore economic common sense and stop the policies that are hurting our families.


As a first generation American, Juan’s love of country and patriotism were born out of his upbringing in a working-class family.  His parents instilled in him conservative values, a strong work ethic, and an optimistic can-do attitude. While attending public schools in Tucson, Juan held several jobs and earned scholarships to pay for school. He was the first from his family to achieve a higher education, graduating from Pima Community College and the University of Arizona. Juan’s professional career has centered around our community’s best interests. During his time at the Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, he fought for lower taxes and the elimination of unnecessary regulations on behalf of small business owners.  As Vice-Chair of the Arizona-Mexico Commission, Juan understands the value and importance of Arizona’s trade and tourism relationship with Mexico. In Congress, Juan has fought for policies that secure our border and enhance trade.

Juan’s family story is the American Dream story. America is the land of opportunity that has provided his family, like for so many others, the freedom to pursue the American Dream. Today’s policies coming out of DC are pushing the American Dream further and further out of reach. We must fight back. Juan and Laura value faith, life and family as the proud parents of six active kids: Zoe, Juan IV, Kenneth, Lily, Lucas and Gloria, who they are raising in Tucson. Juan’s favorite activities include coaching his kids’ flag football teams and also volunteering in his church.

Border Security

Title 42 Turns Up Pressure on Dems
“In 2019 and 2020, both Kirsten Engel and Daniel Hernandez Jr., two Democratic state representatives competing for a chance to represent the district in Congress, opposed greater funding for more vigorous border enforcement. Both Engel and Hernandez voted against bills providing millions of dollars for the state’s Border Strike Force, a highly trained group of state troopers who have helped fight criminal activity in Arizona communities since its creation by Ducey in 2015.”

Dem candidate Kirsten Engel says GOP is doing ‘disservice’ to border communities by saying there’s ‘crisis’

Energy/Gas Prices

Arizona Democrat House Candidate Kirsten Engel Supports Radical California Energy Policies

Dem Candidate Advocated Making ‘It A Pain To Drive’ On Panel For Group That Pushed ‘Usage-Based’ Driving Fees

“‘We’re never going to get rid of the car in the driveway, but we can make it a pain to drive,’ said Kirsten Engel, a University of Arizona law professor.” 


Democrat Arizona U.S. House Candidate Kirsten Engel Supported Defunding the Police in 2020